Aquarist Club of Newfoundland

                  now known as

 Newfoundland And Labrador Aquarium Society

Members of the A.C. of N. ( N.A.L.A.S. ) agree first and foremost that fish keeping is meant to be relaxing, even when taken seriously.

We know that a well set-up and maintained aquarium is a source of great beauty and inspiration, as well as knowledge, and helps us to better understand the complexities of the world around and about us, and the interaction of all life.

We are very much aware that our "pets" are in an un-natural environment, even though we may try to imitate their own natural environments to the best of our ability, and therefore they are totally dependent on us for their lives. We therefore pledge to do all that we can to provide the best conditions possible for them , and totally abhor unnecessary pain and cramped conditions that are all too frequently imposed on aquatic life by individuals and businesses that supposedly "care" for them. Along these lines we strongly oppose the practice of dye injections into Indian Glass Fish, and the keeping of goldfish in small bowls and other cruel practices.

We are aware that many species are being threatened with extinction. Therefore we will try to avoid buying these species unless we are willing and able to provide the correct conditions to breed them. This will help to alleviate the stress on wild fish populations of collection for the trade.

We are concerned by the lack of quarantine in local pet stores for all tropical fish , fresh and saltwater.  This practice allows fish that may be sick to be bought by unwary fish keepers and thereby infect their aquariums and spread disease and suffering. It also opens up the possibility that healthy fish that are under stress from their journey, may be more susceptible to disease that is already present in our aquariums and are therefore unable to fight disease and so succumb to it.

We will do our best to educate all those within our influence on good fish keeping practices, and endeavour to change some of the poor practices currently employed in the trade.

We will therefore continue to educate ourselves as a group with as much up to date information as we can afford. Our subscription dues will be spent on magazines, books and other materials, as well as occasional  speakers who are specialists in the field.

There will be regular monthly meetings for local members, and mail outs for members from further afield.

We will commence our meetings as a joint group, marine and fresh water enthusiasts together, until such time as numbers of both areas increase to the point where it is feasible to hold separate meetings.
( A.C.N. / N.A.L.A.S. members will be able to attend both meetings if they so desire ).
At this point in time we are mainly open to adults, but we do see the possibility for a "junior" group in the future.

Membership fees will be paid on a quarterly basis. Fees are currently $5.00 per person per month and are used for materials being purchased, and costs incurred for the operation of the group.

The Aquarist Club of Newfoundland ( now known as N.A.L.A.S. ) has its home in the premises of Tropical Newfoundland, its materials may be housed elsewhere for the benefit of members who may wish to obtain access to information at times outside of the regular club meetings.

Here is a list of all publications currently available for reference to

members of the

Aquarist Club of Newfoundland

Direct Link to the new web site for

Newfoundland and Labrador Aquarium Society



Monthly Meeting 

We hold Monthly Meetings

Our Next meeting will be on

Wednesday  June 7th 2006 at 7 p.m.


All potential Members MUST REGISTER FIRST

using the

Club Registration Form

( link found below )


Elections were held at the January meeting

a full spread on the newly elected Club Officials

and contact information for them will be posted here in the next day or so.


Meetings are held each Month  

I look forward to seeing you there.
Please remember that you must register first.

Also please remember to bring your

Club Dues of $ 5.00/month payable up to September.

(annual dues) to the meeting with you.

(we encourage you to pay through until September as this makes it easier to administer passwords etc for the forum and you will not lose membership privileges at the Forum if you miss the club meeting )

Discounts are now being offered to Club Members by various Pet Stores, so there is now an added incentive to join the Aquarist Club of Newfoundland.

If you registered for a previous meeting just e-mail me to let me know you intend to come to this meeting. This will give us some idea of the number of people to expect. e-mail me using the link to "" found below.


the following dates have also already been booked as meeting dates, so please put them in your calendar.


Next Meeting - Wednesday June 7th  2006 at 7 p.m.


The above meeting is booked for

 the Community Room

at Sobey's on Merrymeeting Road. ( see map below )

Our Summertime Schedule of BBQ's,

Whale watching,

 and family picnics will be posted soon.


Club Registration Form


Please Remember to sign our guest book,
you may indicate there your desire to join the A.C.of N. ( N.A.L.A.S. )


click on this link to contact me ;